December 2017 Holiday Letter

December, 2017   —    “Faithful friends that are dear to us…” a perfect summary of the Bailey’s 2017!

You may remember from last year’s letter that we ‘cheated’ on our usual pick-a-vacation-state-at-random plan.  To celebrate our 25th anniversary, we peeked in the bucket while Akaka Fallspulling… and got Hawaii! In January, we flew to Oahu. First stop: Pearl Harbor, even more awe-inspiring than expected. Ann, native of WWII sub-building city Manitowoc WI, was particularly moved by the memorials to WWII submarines and servicemen.  Our “friends” theme got started on the Big Island where we met up with four others for a great stay in Kona.  Humpback whales actually do look fun-loving. Next stop was Volcano National Park.  We arrived shortly after a chunk of Hawaii had sheared off into theLava Flow ocean, redefining the lava flow into an incredible geyser, like an open fire hydrant of red-hot liquid into the ocean. Incredible to witness. Randy was able to rent a Cessna, flying above whales, around the cliff-lined north shore, and into the deep rainforest canyons.

Random-pick Massachusetts was our spring trip.  A delightful stay in Cape Cod during the off-season. Saw some great scenery, historical sites, and wonderful art.  A surprise highlight was the Hanna Barbera exhibit at the Norman Rockwell Museum in Stockbridge. A little time to sightsee in Boston and then back home.

Bike sale 1Randy spent spring up to his elbows in spokes, chains, and grease, getting ready for the 9th annual Rick’s Bike Sale.  The team refurbished a record 466 donated bikes this year, raising $34,961 for Kids ‘n Kinship!  Rick, Randy, and team have now donated over $130,000 total. We appreciate all who donated bikes, showed up to help, purchase, or just stop by to see the spectacle. This year the bike frenzy is just as wild; a recently donated semi-trailer is Bikeshelping with storage. Rick and Randy decided that DARTS will also benefit (yay!) from the 2018 sale coming up on May 12.

Randy’s golf buddies did their usual summer Tuesday outings and one additional overnight trip.  We had a wonderful time in Ely with friends – the rainy day “Password” tournament was a highlight.  We continue to find fun concerts and new brewpubs keep begging to be explored.  We took golf lessons, though honestly we’re not sure they worked. It was so cold during the lessons that our arms couldn’t move with all the layers constraining our arms and Ann’s mittens didn’t grip the club.  AARP-poster-child Randy goes to the senior center for yoga, morning stretch and sometimes joins the bike or music groups.

Our summer trip to Colorado (yes, another random pull – state #22) was based in Breckenridge.  A friend took us panning for gold outside Leadville and we hit big, really we did. Huge flecks were in our grasp—and then, poof, they were gone-those little nuggets slip right back out of the pan faster than you can react.  Great scenery on the Leadville railroad and biking from Vail Pass down to Frisco. Bonus meet-up when we PIFdiscovered a college friend was in the area.

Ann is enjoying leading DARTS.  She loves telling the stories of how their services and the connections people make enrich the lives of seniors.  DARTS received the “Nonprofit of the Year” award from the Dakota County Regional Chamber of Commerce.  Randy volunteers – as auctioneer at Party it Forward and as a Snow Angel for a nearby senior.  Ann will be on the River Heights Chamber of Commerce Board beginning in January, adding to the adventure. Ann’s garden had great peppers, leading to experimenting with pickling and drying with tasty results.

In October, we went with friends to France for two weeks.  Three major stops: Provence, Bordeaux and Paris.  Provence has so much to do and see: Art history – seeing Van Gogh’s olive grove, Roman ruins – amazing coliseum in Arles, great food and wine. Bordeaux was wonderful.  We stayed at a small-town family-run bed & breakfast, whose owners welcomed us in and set a great itinerary.  We saw castles, wineries, GIANT sand dunes, apprenticed with a French master chocolatier, learned to cook (“whisk in a figure h-eight, Monsieur Randy!”).  Wonderful time.  Paris was a whirlwind of museums and churches…and a serendipitous dinner with a MN friend who just happened to be nearby.

Happy Season!


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